Do You Know the Truth?
The church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth

By Jon W. Quinn
It is an honorable to pray and work toward the salvation of others. The price paid for human redemption by Jesus, the Son of God, makes it imperative that we honor Him by seeking the same thing he did; the salvation of those lost in sin.

Often, in the gospel, the term "the truth" refers to a certain body of doctrine, or teaching, of which understanding it is vital to our salvation and relationship with God. In fact, the Scriptures relate an accurate understanding of the truth with being saved. (1 Timothy 2:3,4). That is the point that is made in the context: we should be concerned for all (vs. 1,2) as the Lord was and is (vs. 5,6).

So, let's discuss further this concept of "the truth", the knowledge of which is so linked to salvation. Paul wrote much about this to Timothy, so we will consider what he said about it in First and Second Timothy. One of the things we will discover is the extreme importance of that teaching which the apostle calls "the truth" and the utter uselessness of those teachings contrary or opposed to this truth.

The Need to Present the Truth (1 Timothy 2:7)
It was Paul's function as an apostle and as preacher and as teacher to teach the truth. His doctrine mattered! He was to teach what He had been given from God (2 Timothy 4:2-4). This truth gives the insight necessary to be led to salvation (2 Timothy 3:15).

Today, we as preachers, teachers and disciples of Christ honor God when we are loyal in living and sharing these truths incorporated into our lives in word and deed (2 Timothy 2:2). We must not exchange it for anything else (1 Timothy 4:15,16). We endeavor to do just this, not to prove we are somehow better or more deserving than others (we're not!); and not to glorify ourselves, but rather to glorify God and to serve others as best we can. We believe God's way accomplishes both those purposes.

The Church is the Pillar and Support of the Truth (1 Timothy 3:15)
The church is not the giver of the truth! It is “the living" God that has given the truth to the world (2 Timothy 3:15,16). The church is the support, or base which holds up the truth. When a church ceases to respect, revere, and support God's truth, then it ceases being the household of God! It is arrogance that leads churches to reject the teachings of God as taught in the Scriptures thinking that their role in this is legislative. It is not! There is only one Lawgiver. It isn't any of us!

Knowing the Truth and Giving Thanks (1 Timothy 4:3)
A part of falling away from the faith is a failure to be appreciative of the gifts of God (1 Timothy 4:1). Also implicit in this apostasy is the formulation of religious doctrines and practices not originating with God, which in turn keeps those loyal to them from knowing the truth. (v. 3).

The Truth: God's creation is to be freely enjoyed by those who know the truth as long as we do so with thanksgiving in keeping with the Word of God and prayer (1 Timothy 4:4,5).

Depriving Oneself of the Truth (1 Timothy 6:5)

A selfish, self-seeking attitude cannot share a heart with the truth. Contrast: The sound words of Jesus Christ and the doctrine conforming to godliness with different doctrines men have formulated (6:3,4). The outcome of such foul attitudes is the strife that has plagued the religious world from the beginning. Often unbelievers will point at such ungodliness as their reason for lack of belief. Actually, it is not a very good reason not to believe. It is instead a much better reason to become what a believer ought to be! (1 Timothy 6:11-12). Oh, and yes, godliness actually is a means of great gain, just not the kind of gain that the selfish comprehend (6:6;19).

The Scriptures are The Word of Truth  (2 Timothy 2:15)
The proper handling of the Scriptures requires diligence. The Greek word (spoudazo) here is translated "Study" (KJV); or "Be diligent" (NASB) means "to do your best; to put forth great effort". (It is used concerning Onespherous' difficult and perhaps risky search for Paul in Rome -2 TIM 1:16-18).

Of course, handling the Word accurately would require opening the Scriptures, reading and thinking about them, but we ought not to limit it to that kind of "study". If I do only that, and never apply those teachings to my life, I am not being very diligent about it. I am definitely not handling the word accurately!

Going Astray From the Truth (2 Timothy 2:18)
Bad doctrine led these teachers (Hymenaeus and Philetus) to go astray. Not only that, but they had upset the faith of others. What a tragedy to bring people to the Lord only to have someone take them away again!

Their teaching spread "like gangrene" (v. 17) and led to further ungodliness (v. 16). All kinds of bad things can happen when the truth is exchanged for other doctrines! Today, the teachings in conflict with the truth may be different, but the results are the same! There problem was "The resurrection is past" while ours might be "Homosexuality is not a sin". But still, truth is truth. It has not changed for Hymenaeus and Philetus and it does not change today (2 Timothy 2:19).

Repentance and The Truth (2 Timothy 2:25)
What Do We Wish for those who oppose us? We would hope that God, in His mercy, will lead them to repent and come to know the truth. Remember: they are caught up in the Devil's trap. We wish that on nobody (2:26). This needs to be so even if they have wronged us (2:24).


The truth is not something anyone should turn away from. There is no substitute for it. When it comes to salvation and eternity, everything else is an empty myth (2 Timothy 4:1-4). Let this be your story (2 Timothy 1:12,13). We know Him in whom we have believed.

From The Bradley Banner 5/6/2012
Published by the Bradley Church of Christ
1505 E. Broadway
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