Our Trip to the Oriental Institute in Chicago
Altar built during Solomon’s reign at His fortress city of Megiddo. Though probably used in worship of Jehovah, it was not Scripturally correct to do so, God had designated Jerusalem for such activity.
ca. 900 BC
Now Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of his father David, except he sacrificed and burned incense on the high places (1 Kings 3:3)
Sometimes the Old Testament refers to the "horns of the altar" referring to the four projections at the upper corners.
To the north, Assyria was gaining power under Ashernaurpal II and others. It was beginning to expand and Ashernaupal II’s son, Shalmeneser, would later receive tribute from King Jehu and other Israelite kings. This minor Assyrian deity was found at the Assyrian capital city of Nimrud, built by Ashernaurpal II. ca. 884-859 BC
Egyptian artifacts; 2000-400 BC.
Egyptians artifacts 2000-400 BC.
Canaanite artifacts; 1200-700 BC.
Israelite & Assyrian artifacts; ca. 900 BC.
Assyrian artifacts; 884- 680 BC.
Assyrian artifacts; 884- 680 BC.
Babylonian & Persian artifacts; ca. 600 BC.
Persian artifacts; ca. 520-465 BC.
Between the Testaments; 200 BC-70 AD.
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